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Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
5:30 AM 6: 30 to PM
Director/Owner: Pauline Fortier
604-0356 (860) :Phone
About Us
Our Vision
We strive to be a childcare center where children and their families are valued for their unique individual qualities. Our staff is valued for their kindness, caring, knowledge, and passion to teach and help our children learn and grow each day. At the Academy the staff creates places and spaces to help develop positive and caring relationships and learning through a child's ability to wonder, explore, and reach for the stars. Academy staff enjoys spending time with the children and takes pride in the children's triumphs and constantly supports each child's individual needs. Parents are valued as their child's first advocate, and will receive support in their role as parent. We encourage parents to enthusiastically promote their child's hands-on approach to learning through play. Families and staff will work together as a team to ensure positive relationships, strong social and emotional skills and learning through play, in a loving and nurturing atmosphere.
Our Philosophy
The Academy of Art and Learning has developed an effective program that has been created to meet the social, emotional, mental, physical and creative needs of children aged 6 weeks through middle school. The classroom environment is essential to encourage the children to trust and be independent. Academy staff will focus on developing strong relationships with the children and encourage positive relationships between their peers. This will aid in developing the child's self-concept, and self-discipline in a positive and supportive way.
Early childhood research shows that young children learn primarily through play. Play is an essential part of childhood. It offers the freedom children need to try out new ideas, practice developing skills and imitate adult roles. It allows children to learn social skills and develop friendships.
With a strong foundation children are able to build upon what they have already learned and apply it new or different situations. Our play based activities encourage children to explore and discover, guess and question. This encourages the child to make new concepts and develops each child's 'readiness' skills. Academy staff cares about the development of the whole child. Through allowing children to be their own decision-makers we are able to encourage the children to gain self-confidence, and a sense of mastery in a developmentally appropriate atmosphere.
Relationships are essential for children to maintain a successful foundation for future growth, additionally staff and parent collaboration is necessary to sustain a strong foundation. Our staff not only teaches, but actively participates in forming positive, caring and cooperative relationships through interactions with peers and adults. Children will successfully learn how to communicate and get along with others. Children will develop everlasting social skills through early childhood play experiences. These experiences will positively affect learning and personal growth through the ability to communicate thoughts and feelings and be accepting responsibilities for their actions.
Our classrooms and play areas are designed to encourage a stimulating and positive environment that supports the whole child's growth socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively. We strongly believe that children learn best when they are participating in interactive hands on involvement using a variety of of materials, equipment and developmentally appropriate activities. When children participate in active play, the child's mind, body and emotions will develop a one-of-a-kind valuable and meaningful learning experience. The academy staff will utilize every opportunity to create a positive learning experience, including encouraging children to be independent in their basic care routines. This proves to be equally as meaningful as experiences provided in areas of interest in the classroom.